Right, no pussy footing around, lets get into it, the horse steroids have started to take effect so hopefully my eyes wont
bleed too much watching this.
Hang on!.... Whats this! Fielding looks really ill, her hairs changed and she has a
dog! now th.... oh hang on, its the opening cartoon credits...sorry....
Ok, I blame Gin personally... here we are,
Boys Hall, Kent. For those of you unsure where Kent is, Antix kindly shows you a 'satellite' view of the World, focusing in
to Kent. Thanks for that Antix, a map would have sufficed. The building itself is truly magnificent, (and on the market apparently,
oh for a lottery win).
Fielding (the real one this time, not the cartoon one..) informs us that it is said that the
building is a 'portal' for spirits. (As opposed to a port hole, which I think you'll find on a ship). Although she fails to
mention who actually says this.Cut to camera shots of the interior of the house, nice bloody fridge! You think it comes with
the house sale?....
Cut to Fielding, using her best Jackanory voice, recounts many tales of woe and horror whilst hiding
behind the worlds biggest vase. Seriously, what would you put in that? A triffid? Anyway.. I digress....
'The night
before sleepover' I really don't know why they do this bit, but anyway, its Fielding and Beattie, with some of the scariest
moments so far, and thats just the extreme close ups of Fielding in night vision. Someone (Beattie) touches her and she hears
a high pitched whine (The onset of Gastric flu?) But for anyone who videoed this, just take a look at Beatties face as the
shot fades, I think it says it all.What a smug grin.....
Ok paused it, The horse steroids are not working, this is
going to be hard work. I shall return with a large Irish coffee. (Minus the cream) (oh...and the coffee)
More ramblings
from Fielding about this and that, horses, stables blah blah. Oh who's this...an eye witness! "Lloyd James" (who I believe
actually lives there) Listen Lloyd, if there are any malevolent spirits around it is because, and I mean only because,
of your hair. I was getting annoyed about it and I'm not even there! Your not 23 anymore Lloyd, get over the midlife
crisis and sort yourself out.
Now we have "Rose Dixon" a 'guest Medium' (who obviously outstayed her welcome as she
is never mentioned again...) She said "it wasn't until I went upstairs that I felt uncomfortable", yep, that'll be your
hips love. She also "picked up a frustrated female". Yep, once more the spirit of my ex wife comes through again.....(She's
not dead your understand although there were times when it felt that wa..... never mind)
Now we have more of Fielding
auditioning for Tales of the Crypt, recounting yet another story, well, it sets the scene doesn't it....
Cut back to
Lloyd (still got his hair gelled, making spirit very unhappy). He explains how on first arrival at the house "they hurriedly
unpacked all their boxes and hung some porcelain jelly molds on the kitchen wall". Nothing like prioritising is there?
you found the bedding and the kettle yet dear?" "Shut up, got to get these jelly molds hammered on the wall first"
the same myself.
He explains that while friends of his were in the kitchen, one of the jelly molds flew off the wall
and smashed. Which I think translates to his friend saying "Whats this tat on the wall? Oh sh*t, dropped it. Sod it, Tell
Lloyd a ghost did it, while your at it, mention about his hair again can you?"
Now to Mr Wells, he talks about people
kissing skeletons (ex wife, been there... blah blah) and ghosts scared of ghosts, now this is a new one on me, just getting
interested and then the adverts arrive. Time for more Irish coffee....no hang on Carol Vordeman.. maybe I'll wait a bit...
back, and they are all nine foot tall!! Oh no, its a low ceiling, bugger, that would have been good... Wells is now doing
something disturbing with a teddy bear, its making him emotional... what about the bloody bear!! Its going to need some extensive
counseling. Yep, you've guessed it, Wells has found children again, at least this time they're not playing on the edge
of a cliff I suppose... Why am I not surprised when Wells describes a dress as "very Mills and Boon"?
Right, going
to pass over all this drivel coming out of Wells now, its totally meaningless and without any evidence to back it up. That
and he's really starting to annoy me now.....
Into the stable, of course in night vision, and surprise surprise, something
is thrown! Yay!!! It shows up as 'hot' on the thermal camera, this disturbs me, are we not told that spirit energy is cold?
So something that is thrown and is hot, would maybe have come from, and I'm guessing, Stuarts someones pocket? Its
just a stab in the dark (what is what this lot should have in my opinion...)
Seance time. Fielding doing the "someones
blowing on my hand!" routine. How many times must we be put through this?......(Nothing on camera, thermal etc etc)
explore the house, must we? Oh go on then, but if my eyes start bleeding, I'm going. There's 'scratching' Yawn. (Mice?
Rats? A family of Howler Monkeys?) Someones stomach rumbles, and it MUST be a ghost. Why do they always ask "are we in
danger? please knock for yes" In danger? Headlines: "Woman killed by ghost". Yep, sick of reading that in The Mail.
Oh I hope someone else videoed this, Karl says "Lets try the dining room". As they are leaving one of the rooms, the camera
pans past Stuart as he is GETTING SOMETHING OUT OF HIS POCKET!!!!!
Three seconds later.... TaDAAAAAAA!! A pinecone is thrown!! My God, this is just superb, when oh when will these
people learn!!!
Stuart then spends the next few minutes emptying his pockets to the amazement of everyone, stones,
pinecones, wine decanter, cuddly toy etc
Now they have a coin thrown (on screen, verified as James I mint, 1600's) Yawn.... I think its the Irish coffee getting
to me, but I now believe Fielding is trying to do a tap dancing routine with a 'Ghost'.
Oh dear God no, we're going
back to the stables (and maybe on the way, Stuart can refill his pockets). Please let this end, now. I still don't get
this bit, and I know its been mentioned before, but why is Wells afraid of Ghosts?
Wells comes out with the Spiritualist quote of the year: "Holy sh*t on
a stick, excuse my French"
An "Orb" is captured on film, as is Caths cheeky little chops, as she is 'prodded',
Id check to see who was standing behind you dear! Little Minx.
As they're leaving the stables, a gate 'falls down'....
O'Keefe disappoints me at the end of the show when he talks about the coin that was "apported". He says its
"an ancient coin", "its the sort of coin thats difficult to obtain". Actually, they're £4.99 on Ebay, trust me, Ive checked.
(I would love to see Stuarts Ebay account. 1 x Bag of small rocks, 1 x pinecones (assorted) 1 x head polish, 1 x mixed
old coins, 1 x pair of combat trousers, size Large, extra pockets.)
Another dreadful show, if it wasn't for the fact
I like reviewing them, I would have shot the TV by now (thats the Television, not the bloke in the frock next door)
they must throw things, they should really do a better job of editing Stuart out of shot. I am now going to slam my head repeatedly
in a door until I feel better about things.